Bach Around The Clock 2025
All Bach. All Free. All Welcome.
Announcing BATC 2025 – March 6-9
Singers, Instrumentalists, Soloists, Ensembles
all ages – amateurs to professionals
Come share your favorite J.S. Bach piece with the community!
Choose from two performance options:
● Perform in-person for a live audience on Saturday, March 8. A few performance slots are still available. Submit your performance request HERE no later than March 1.
● Submit your own video recording for the BATC virtual festival. Click HERE.
Message from BATC Artistic Director, Kathy Otterson
Hello, Bach fans!
Planning is well-underway for Bach Around The Clock 2025, and we are excited to let you know about the events and schedule. Scroll down to see a sneak peek–and MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Johann Sebastian Bach’s 340th birthday is March 21, 2025. Let’s celebrate during the festival events March 6-9. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you!
All festival events are FREE! No tickets needed–no fees for performers. More than 2/3’s of BATC’s funding comes from the generosity of individual donors like YOU. Help keep Bach Around The Clock free and open to all. Click HERE to donate online or by check.
Kathy Otterson, Artistic Director
Bach Around The Clock
2025 Festival Events
Thursday, March 6, 3-5pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Organ Master Class – “Playing Bach” with Jared Stellmacher
Four young organists will perform and receive coaching from T. Jared Stellmacher, Director of Music at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Madison.This class will be an opportunity for organists to experience playing Bach on an “authentic” instrument. St. Andrew’s Taylor and Boody (Opus 33) tracker action pipe organ represents the finest in craftsmanship and utilizes principles of construction that have been held in high regard in organ building since Bach’s lifetime!
This event is sponsored by the Association of Church Musicians/Madison Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Friday, March 7, 12:15 – 1:00pm at First Unitarian Society
Join us for the Friday Musicale performance in the beautiful Landmark Auditorium. Program will feature Bach’s “Other Voices”, music composed by Bach, but performed by voices and instruments other than what he originally wrote for. You’ll hear new and interesting arrangements for vocalists, trombones, saxophones, and even a theremin!
Friday, March 7, 7:00-9:30pm at First Unitarian Society
A SPECIAL EVENT to CELEBRATE BACH’S 340th BIRTHDAY!Pianist Lawrence Quinnett returns as BATC guest artist to perform Bach’s Two- and Three-Part Inventions and the Keyboard Concerto in E Major (BWV 1053), with the Ancora String Quartet. Concert followed by a birthday cake reception in the FUS Landmark Auditorium. This concert is a fund-raiser for BATC. There is no admission charge, but donations will be gratefully accepted. Join us and bring a friend!
Saturday, March 8, 10am-5pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Marathon Day – The Main Event
Performers of all ages and study levels, individuals and ensembles, period and modern instruments, will perform their favorite Bach selections in person from the St. Andrews stage! Come and go through the day as you please. Donations welcome.
Complete schedule will be announced soon.
Sunday, March 9, ONLINE premiere of 2025 BATC Virtual Festival
Perform your Bach selection in the comfort of your home or studio. Then send us your self-recorded video. It will be published on the BATC You-Tube channel. Submit your performance request HERE no later than March 1. Virtual Festival premieres March 9.